
2018-12-10 浏览1193次






     大部分考生停不下来,一直看文章,到较后不知道或者说是不关心题目问的是什么。只顾去选择自己喜欢的选项,而非是回答问题的正确答案。例如:According to paragraph 2, scientists base their belief that a mass extinction is going on at present on which of the following?这道题问的是a mass extinction is going on at present这个事情,科学家是基于什么知道的。所以找到这个事情以后,考生需要去追究,科学家的依据。所以找到正确的依据,即目标句的确定很重要。而目标句的确定是灵活的。可以走。如果题干中有明显的醒目的定位词;但是大多数时候需要考生在正常的浏览过程中确定目标句。还有个别情况是真的找不到目标句。找到目标句的就是,答案比较凸显,干扰项的干扰能力就变弱了。否则每个干扰项都比答案看着还像答案。所以就会出错。





According to paragraph 1, why is play difficult to define?


A  Play must be defined with concepts, not examples.


B Play behavior often looks like non-play behavior.


C Play often occurs in the presence of animals that are not playing.


D  Play occurs independently of an animal's intentions.


原文: ……One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that it involves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance dominance, predation, competition, and real fighting. Thus, whether play occurs or not depends on the intention of the animals, and the intentions are not always clear from behaviors alone.


      大部分同学可以锁定目标句One of the problems in providing a clear definition of play is that it involves the same behaviors that take place in other circumstance dominance, predation, competition, and real fighting.这句话的核心词是it involves the same behaviors.确定下来核心词后,答案不难选出B Play behavior often looks like nonplay behavior.






     总结一下,干扰项的特点是:使用了关键词,词 组,文章内容













如:Debate ensued after a comedy program on Shanghai Oriental TV featured


Jia Ling, a famous Chinese female comedian, bantering about Mulan, a traditional patriotic heroine, and portrayed her as an abnormal coward and fool. 


      该句子的主干是Debate ensued也就是句子要传达的主要信息是争论随之而来。


      想要抓住句子的语法,就要会去删除一些不重要的东西,如同位语Mulan,的同位语 a traditional patriotic heroine;Jia Ling的同位语 a famous Chinese female comedian。还可以删除介词短语如on Shanghai Oriental TV;after a comedy program;删除分词如bantering about Mulan


     下面的例子With the advent of projection, as it had been with earlier peepshow devices such as the Kinetoscope and the Mutoscope, which was a similar


     machine that reproduced motion by means of successive images on individual photographic cards instead of on strips of celluloid.按照上面的删除原则,可以留下的主干就是the viewers’relationship with the mage was no longer private,也是作者要传达的主要信息。所以长难句的处理也是托福考察能力的一部分

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