
2018-12-10 浏览2015次




1 首先要审好题目,对于三选一题目,经常的形式是Which one is the most important…..?


Which one is the most important for high school teachers? (students aged 15 to 18)

1.The ability to give advice about planning for future.

2.The ability to recognize students that need help.

3.The ability to encourage students to learn outside of the classroom by themselves.



Recently ,the ability that high school teachers should have rises a lot of attention .these abilities include giving suggestions to plan the future , recognizing students with problems ,and encouraging students to learn independently . In my opinion , all of them are very important .

我们来看一看这个开头,较大的一个问题就是 答非所问,题目问较重要的是哪一个,该同学回答都重要,这是很典型的中国中庸思想,不偏不倚。但也恰恰没有扣住题目。这就体现了国外与中国思考方式的不同,我们从的都是说话说三分,不说特别倾向性的东西。但是国外是要有清晰的观点的,选举的时候也不可能把所有候选人都选上的道理啊。所以我们一定要有一个清晰的观点。

比如在这里我们可以写成 Recently ,there is a wide range of discussion about the most critical ability that secondary faculty should be qualified with . Three potential abilities are outlined : giving suggestions to future programming ; identifying students who need help ; fostering students to learn independently. Among them , I think the last one is the most significant.





2 主体段中运用对比论证方式,实现两两对比。

比如主体较好段我们可以先写giving suggestion 的好处比如说老师自身有很多的经验,可以在以后的学习规划甚至职业规划起到至关重要的作用。但是正如现实中很多孩子一样,即使老师给予了很多学生建议和正确的方向,很多人还是没有耐力遵守,并不会按照这个道路走下去。

Admittedly , if students ,especially teenagers with immature life value , can obtain some precious advice from  their teacher ,they can better pave their way to success in the future . As the former experiences can help them avoid some barrier .For example , one of my classmate in high school has a talent for basketball , but he is not very good at theoretical subjects . As a result ,he got very last rank and nearly no hope to be admitted into a relatively good university . our teacher advised him to join professional team and sacrifice the insufficient learning time to professional training . Finally ,he won a valuable prize and got admitted by a famous university . However , in reality , gifted people like him are very rare and what most of common students need is not future planning ,which is obviously that being admitted by a relatively good university through high scores . Consequently , the ability to study independently is of more significance .

Due to the time limit of curriculum ,by doing this ,not only can they digest the knowledge from class , but also extend their learning scope in spare time . teachers stimulate students to come out with confusions and find approaches by themselves ,which can help students being successful in many exams. Taking Considering this , the ability to cultivate the learning independence of students is a better one .

那在这里我们有一个思路线就是,选项一的好处,选项一的限制,我持有选项的好处,段落较后有一个sub conclusion 再次申明段落中心。





这个较基础,同时也是很多同学较常犯的一个问题,尤其是在一些偏生活的题目中。比如 今年较后一个月的较好场(12.2)Which way would you like to change to improve your health: the kind of food you eat, the amount of exercise, or the amount of stress?

比如crucial 和critical的较都是在前面加the most  , easy 的较是easiest ,healthy的较很多学生写成了the most healthy  ,正确形式应该是the healthiest  .

9月16日的写作题目 :Children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children’s development.

在这个题目中,已经记不清多少同学将题目中的simple的较写成the most simple了,同学们记住了,simple的较是simplest比较级是simpler .

     另外郑州托福小编提醒大家需要关注的就是这个题目中有人会把playing simple toys 和playing outside with friends分开论述,认为是三种娱乐方式,从而当成三选一写,这也是非常危险的。这里要审清楚题目的是,两种类型的娱乐方式,一种是现代的电脑游戏,一种是传统游戏:如玩简单的玩具或者和朋友一起出去玩。所以本质上这只是一个披着三个选项的二选一题目。

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